Serving from July 1 - June 30
Matt White, Killers Pest Control PAST PRESIDENT Rennie Kubic, Peststop Pest Control SECRETARY - TREASURER Bill Granstrom, Bill's Pest Control PRESIDENT ELECT (President '25-26) Jesse Gooch, Kanga Pest Control VICE PRESIDENT (President '26-27) Steve Wittig, PestLocal abn A&A Pest Control Board Meeting Minutes To view recent board meeting minutes and financial reports, click HERE. For members only. | DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE (6) Cameron Yamaura, Pointe Pest Control Tim Banwell, Beaverton Pest Control Dave Mays, Bugs NW Steve Nagel, A2Z Home Inspections Jesse Gooch, Kanga Pest Control Danta Smith, Three Rivers Mosquito & Vector Control COMMITTEES Education: Jesse Gooch (chair), Cameron Yamaura, Mike Kesecker Ethics: Steve Nagel (chair) Government Affairs: Larry Treleven (chair/S.P.A.R.), Robert DeAngelo Wildlife: Dave Mays (chair) Sponsorship: Steve Wittig (chair) Scholarship: Mike Kesecker (chair) 541-753-7233 |