OPCA Ant ID Seminar
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Chemeketa Community College
Salem OR
This is a hands-on workshop in a laboratory at Chemeketa Community College in Salem.
LOCATION: (Tentative) Bldg 8 room 231, 4000 Lancaster Drive NE Salem, Oregon 97305
ONE Session: Check in 8:00 am, class from 8:30 - 12:30 pm. Registration Limited to 24 people (8 spots left as of March 12).
Attendees will need to complete course application on site for Chemeketa. Attendees will have preserved specimens, identification keys, and use of dissection microscopes.
Dr. Laurel Hansen will guide you through the process of using a key to identify a variety of ant specimens. The instruction manual and ant specimens will be yours to keep at the end of the workshop.
Cost: $165.00 OPCA Member / $205.00 Non-Member
Questions: Call OPCA at 503-363-4345
Recertification Credit: TBD (expected 4)